2 March

Whiteout: Rose Came To Find Me, But It Was Fate

by Jon Katz
Rose Came To Find Me

In a wild wind with drifting snow, I was heading to the barn and found myself in a whiteout. There was no danger, I was 15 feet from the house but the ground was icy and slippery, and I didn’t want to fall, I waited for it to clear so I could see where I  was walking.

I could see the bare outline of the chairs under the apple tree, but the ground was a blur.

It was the perfect weather condition for a whiteout, high winds, driving snow.

I was coughing, a bit stiff and uncertain, and Rose came right up out of the snow, she seemed concerned about me. I followed her down the short path to the pasture, and then the whiteout gave way to just plain old heavy snow.

I have pneumonia, and I had taken powerful cough medicine in the morning, and at first, i thought it was Rose, who lived with me at the first Bedlam Farm. She saved me too many times to count, and often led me through the snow.

I swear it was Rose I saw, and then my head cleared and I knew it was Fate. Rose will never leave me, and always had my back.

Fate is also an incredibly sensitive and aware dog, I believe she saw me through the snow and came to  get me. Sometimes, truth appears in odd ways and shapes.


  1. I’ve been thinking about you during this storm. Take it slow and easy, get better soon.

  2. See, Rose will always be with you, protecting you, even when she isn’t really there. This brought a tear to my eye, reminding me of my favorite book of all time, “Rose in a Storm”.

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