Klue is one of the youngest members of the RISSE soccer team, and perhaps the most outgoing. He is 13 years old and in many ways, he embodies the spirit of Ali and the refugee children. Ali teaches the members of the team to treat one another as brothers, and it is striking to see how deeply embedded this idea has become with these young men.
They do not ever ridicule or hurt one another, they treat one another as family, and watch out for each other. They show no signs of envy or cruelty, they spend many hours together each week and I have never seen a hurtful act or cutting word when they are together.
They are a band of brothers, Ali has taught them the power of that.
Klue is a hugger, friendly and cheerful, he always has a ready smile, and it is also clear there is a lot going on behind those eyes. I enjoy taking his portrait, black and white does sometimes capture the soul.