I had the pleasure and wonder at seeing two worlds meet at the Mansion for lunch Friday, the residents and the RISSE soccer team, comprised of refugee children from Africa, Asia, Afghanistan and the Middle East.
The residents the RISSE kids meet in two different rooms due to the size of the group, one in the Great Room, one in the dining hall. The residents were eager to meet the refugees and peppered me with questions about them. There were some awkward moments – some of the residents are hard of hearing, others have some memory issues, and some of the refugees speak little or no English.
But kids and residents broke through again and again, asking one other basic questions – where are you from? How did you get here? What are your lives like? What are the things you love to do in the world?
Maria and I and the staff served the food from the Round House Bakery – selection of sandwiches.
Four of five of the residents, Sylvie, Brother Peter, Madeline, Barb, took the lead and had questions prepared for the RISSE kids and five or six of the RISSE kids were curious about the residents and asked them how they live and why they were there?
It was a powerful thing to see, it was not easy for either side. But it was meaningful to both. I was surprised at how many people from both sides thanked me and asked if they could meet again. I was much moved by it. Afterwards, the RISSE kids came over to Bedlam Farm to see Red herd the sheep and meet donkeys for the first time.
A winter storm was fast approaching, and it was cold and rainy, so their visit was cut short, they’ll come back in the Spring. It was inspiring of me to see this, these two groups have more in common than many think, and it was fascinating to see people realize it.
More later.