I know something was up when I went to open up my Post Office Box, where I go every day to check on the mail and the messages from the Army Of Good. The box is small, but can handle a goodly number of letters. When there is a package or something too big for the box, Wendy, the clerk, leaves a small key to a nearby locker which I can open.
Today, there were a few letters and three keys to the two biggest lockers on the wall. I heard Wendy, who reads my blog and has handled many packages, yell down the hall, “this just be stuff for the Mansion from you. We filled the two biggest lockers, you’ll need our big mail cart that we use for the carriers.”
Wendy was excited, that is a lot of parcel mail at one stretch for the Cambridge Post Office, and she wasn’t kidding. This big cart quickly overflowed, we couldn’t fit all of it in there, we had to carry excess packages out to the car. Wendy did the match, she said tomorrow was likely to bring even more parcels.
This is a lot of notecards, and thank you (I think we do have enough notecards here or on the way). The Mansion residents and staff will have enough cards and letters for a long time, and a bunch of people sent stamps in smaller envelopes.
For those of you who don’t know, I wrote a post last week asking for help, I realized that the Mansion residents need notecards and stamps so they can try to respond to the letters that they love, and also so the residents can write back and thank people for the letters and gifts that they sent.
I also realized that many of the residents don’t have the money to buy these things. Boy, did you respond. This cart is probably just one load of many. I can’t quite believe you all, you are so full of compassion and empathy, and a drive to go good. The parcels seem to come from every state in the Union, and also from Canada, England, Ireland and France.
It will take a few days to sort through them and organize them, I promise you all of these will be put to good use. If there are any left over, I’ll distribute them to other elder care facilities in the area. None will go to waste. I might even sell a few of them at our “Night Of Four Skits” night in April to raise money for some outings.
I am a bit shell-shocked, and so was Wendy and Maria. I will get over it and be appropriately grateful. What a wonderful thing we are building here. I was thinking of writing a piece about being true to the heart.
I feel all of you are being true to the heart, as I hope be as well. Thank you, thank you, I have to go and haul some parcels into the farmhouse, and I have no idea where to put them. Wendy says the cart will be available tomorrow. You have a lot of good people out there, she said.
this is wonderful news, Jon! Although I try to send items of need whenever possible…..all these wonderful people in your Army beat me to it this time! It thrills me to no end to help when I can……..and it fills me with joy to see the love and generosity that abounds in your Army of Good. It is SO right to spread joy, love, and help where it is needed the most. This is your best creation yet………this wonderful Army of goodness. I can’t stop smiling! You are awesome!
Susan M
This is wonderful–and funny! I for one got right at it, and obviously so did lots of others. We’re so glad to know a clear way to help.