Great news from the Bedlam Farm Creativity Desk. The “fish” potholder above is now on sale on Etsy, the wildly popular global creativity and arts site. It will join about a dozen other Maria potholders there, the first time she has sold any of her art anywhere but on her blog.
Maria has decided to sell some of her very classy and popular potholders up on Etsy as an experiment. She is committed to her blog, and to selling her work there. She has established a deep relationship with many people who are interested in her work.
This is a big step for Maria, she is quite conservative when it comes to using the scores of marketing sites online, she has no wish to be everywhere all the time. But Etsy is a good place to sell some of her potholders.
People looking for her potholders have often told her they would like to have them posted and available at all times, not just when she posts them on her blog or gallery. They will continue to be sold for $25 plus shipping. And it is very easy to buy things on Etsy, it takes a second, I know I’ve bought a lot of birthday presents there, they have their stuff together.
Maria can explain this for herself, but I know she has been thinking about experimenting with selling a limited number of potholders only on Etsy.
The potholders unique and very different from most of the potholders sold there. And it won’t take anything away from her blog, to which she is quite passionately committed.
The potholders have a lot of significance here. Maria doesn’t make decisions impulsively, or quickly and some people (like me) do, she thinks them through carefully and thoroughly. She explains her reasoning today on her blog.
She has transformed the humble potholder into a creative and very personal art form that almost anyone can afford. They have become a mirror of her life, her feminism, and her belief in women and voice.
The potholders are signed works of art, but something more than that. People who buy them are always sending her photos them hanging on walls around the house, or sometimes, even in the kitchen.
They have become very personal, something she loves. She wants to make art that is accessible to people, not beyond their reach. People constantly tell her she undersells her work, but that’s her choice and it works for her.
She knows her audience and has a strong sense of her own artistic identity, and I love and admire her for that. Of course, I love and admire her for just about everything except her right thumb.
The quilts and hanging pieces will be sold only on her blog, fullmoonfiberart.com.
You can visit her new Etsy site here. Good luck, wonderful woman, brilliant artist.
I consider them mini hangable art work. That’s how I use mine.