Some years ago, at a book reading in Ohio, I met a remarkable woman named Veronica Hallissey, she was in her early 80’s then and we connected quite strongly at my talk, even though I only saw her for a few minutes. I still remember her dignified presence and her sparkling blue eyes.
I have no seen Veronica since, or spoken with her, although we somehow have remained close in the way that kindred spirits do when they meet. They just trust and love one another, period, and the proof of a true soul connection is that it never dies, it is beyond words and speech.
Five years ago, Veronica started a blog called From An Upper Floor, she writes on it every day, the most beautiful poems and essays and and reflections. It is an elegant blog, she writes like E.B. White with gentleness, thoughtfulness and some magic.
She has read my blog faithfully for years, and she and Maria correspond often. One of the tragedies of being a man is that even the women who like you would rather talk to another woman given the chance. It is just the way of the world and I respect it.
Hallissey has the gift, she has been writing poetry since 1960 and her poems are wise and lyrical and poignant. I read “Gates Of Heaven” this morning and marveled at the feeling and grace in it.
I was pleased to get a message from Veronica this morning, even her letters are poems.
“Jon, I just have to tell you that your eyes tell you what my heart needs to see.I gasped when today’s photo of winter past came on the screen. Somewhere in my memory bank is such a place. This is the most beautiful planet in the universe I am sure. Your eyes see the details most clearly and most beautifully. Even the mundane take on a beauty seldom seen. Thank for this particularly, it is a special gift to me. Sincerely, Veronica.”
I am fortunate to have taken a photo to inspire a letter than that, it alone makes life worthwhile. The photo was called “Winter Pasture: White Creek,” and Veronica has prodded me to put it up for sale in her honor. I also ordered a print made so I can send it to her free of charge. Inspiration fee.
Thanks Veronica, I am grateful to see what your heart sees, you have such a wonderful heart.