A month ago, I suggested to RISSE, the immigrant and refugee support group based in Albany, that they might consider an Amazon Wish List to make it easier for people to support the refugees and immigrants – especially the young ones – in an inexpensive and very simple way.
Last night, I got the good word that the site is up.
These gift lists a great breakthrough for the needy, and the simplest and cheapest way for us to provide them with some of their most basic needs.
People can choose from a list provided by refugee organizations and famllies of the things they most need in their homes and in RISSE’s after school program, a lifesaver for families and kids arriving in America at a very turbulent time.
We don’t have to guess what they might need. They will tell us, and our gift goes straight to RISSE, no administrative costs or middlemen. I will continue to raise money for the additional things we do in support of the refugees and immigrants apart from the list. I will continue my work.
The Wish List will be updated as needs change.
The first, short version of the Wish List is up and running, and focusing for now, on what it is the kids need in their after school program, which provides hot meals and English classes and the chance to meet other kids and use popular toys, balls, jump ropes learning games.
If you should be asked for the correct shipping address (you shouldn’t be), it is: RISSE, 715 Morris Street, Albany, N.Y., 12208-2208. The telephone number, if requested, is 518 621-1041. RISSE cannot receive packages on Saturday Or Sunday.
You will notice at checkout an underlying line beneath the photo of the gift which says “risse’s wish list (below).” Check that to send the gifts directly to RISSE.

RISSE is a Methodist Church run refugee and immigrant center in Albany. They are the place of first and last – and only – resort for refugees and immigrants arriving in America to discover their presence is controversial and almost all of their government subsidies are being cut.
Until last year, the federal government provided subsidies so the new arrivals to America would have time to adjust to life here. Most of those subsidies are going or will be going as the new federal budget takes effect.
The teachers and staff do the most extraordinary work helping children and adults adapt to American laws and practices – they help people file taxes, find jobs, learn English, study computing, find homes and apartments. They are overworked and understaffed, they struggle with few resources. Last year, RISSE was burned to the ground by arsonists, the refugees and immigrants are regularly taunted at school.
I have been working with this program for nearly a year and I can tell you from the heart that these people are no threat to America – just look at the news today -and are eager to become productive, tax-paying citizens. They are, in fact, of the best American traditions – overcoming tyranny and violence to give their children safe and good lives in America. That is not a new story for our country, and it is, in fact, my own story.
Maulidi the carver came to RISSE for help, and they are helping him find workspace for his beautiful carvings. He is also learning English there.
The Wish List is something I will do every morning when I sit down to write, nothing feels better than to do good, especially when you can do it for as little as $4.
As you know, I am deeply involved the the RISSE soccer team, an effort to form community, keep kids off troubled urban streets, build pride, character and confidence. RISSE cannot support all of the activities of the team – we are doing that – their most urgent need is the after school program and fund-raising for tuition. We try to fill the holes in the system.
The children (and their families) need everything from boots to clothing, but for now, the after school program of RISSE needs some toys and supplies. We did this before last year for newly arriving immigrants and filled a warehouse several times over with urgently needed household goods, from blankets to soap.
This list is simple, and I cannot think of a better way to feel grounded and connected, and follow the teachings of many great spiritual leaders in world history by helping the vulnerable and showing that we are a generous and welcoming nation.
This is what the real America does, and I thank you. You might wish to add the RISSE address to your Amazon address book: RISSE, 715 Morris Street, Albany, N.Y., 12208-2208. 518 621 1041. Or you can just click on “risse’s wish list.”
The crueler and more heartless they become, the more good we do. I donated $22 worth of toys this morning, my day began on the best possible note. I imagine they will be surprised by the packages they are about to get, they have no idea what the Army Of Good is like.
Yay!! So happy to read this