This morning, we got up early to head off to Albany for my laser eye surgery, hopefully the final chapter in a six-month process to protect my left eye from going blind. I wish we weren’t driving in another ice alert, but my wife says I am just a snow pussy, as she so lovingly puts it, and I am lucky to have a Goddess for a wife, she fears no weather.
The weather geeks suggest stay home, nuts to that.
The surgery should be quick and routine, the doctors assure me it will be swift and painless although a half-dozen of my faithful readers have messaged me to assure me it will be painful and arduous, as happened with their Uncle Harry.
Thanks, folks. I am not your Uncle Harry. Social media loves a warning.
I’m bringing my Thoreau biography, it is inspiring me all over again. Thoreau is a spiritual brother to me, and if he were here reading his social media messages you would think I am as docile as a new born lamb.
I am happy to be taking care of me eye, it was a frightening few weeks when the tops of all the letters in my books suddenly disappeared and I could not read clearly.
The good news is that my eyesight is excellent once we get rid of these aneurisms causing some swelling near my retina. I love my retina and have promised to take care of it, I told the doctor I am a photographer as well as writer, she did not seem impressed.
She sees a lot, I think.I will too, soon.
The animals are fed, the dogs are at ease, the Frida seems to be flirting with Diego in the tank, Gus has not thrown up yet today, rain and snow are turning to ice, an arctic front is here again. Just another sweet upstate New York morning in the perfect life. I’m bringing the Iphone camera and the black and white monochrome. You never know.
Maria is tough, she loves driving on slippery roads while I close my eyes and pray.
I am told this will all take three or four hours, beginning to end. Talk to you soon I am very lucky I live when I do, or I would only be seeing half of the letters as I type this. A reconstructed heart, a reconstructed eye. I intend to keep all of my other parts for at least a decade.
My blog is hungry, every day.
See you soon. Get it?
Good Luck Jon!
Best of luck with the surgery!
Healing to you.