I loved the Mansion Tea Party Wednesday evening. I don’t often have a chance to sit and talk with four or five people together at the Mansion and it is always rewarding. I am addicted to their stories of life.
On the left, Winnie talked about her life on a dairy farm,she and her husband getting up at 4:20 a.m. every day of the year, for many years.She talked about the life of farming and of her four sons. Only one worked on the farm when he grew up, and only for 11 years. Now, he runs a local diner.
Alice is struggling with her hearing, she laughed during our word game and whispered in my ear, “I can’t hear a thing, I’ll just laugh every now and then.” Jean had trouble following the game – at one point we were supposed to think of three different words and write them down on a piece of paper. She couldn’t quite grasp the instructions. She smiled at me and leaned over and whispered “help me!” and I filled out her cards and put them in the bowl.
I brought Sylvie tea and a scone, but she said since she invited me to the party, she should get Maria and I tea and scones. Next time, I said. We talked for a half hour or so, sipped our tea. Everyone joined in, everyone had something to say.
absolutely love this post – bless them and you and maria