I’ve worked out the details for a Valentine’s Day lunch and celebration at the Mansion on Valentine’s Day, February 14. I’ve been working on a poem about Love in my Poetry Workshop – “What Is Love?”- and yesterday, Mansion Director Morgan Jones approved my plan for a special lunch.
The Round House Cafe agreed to cater the lunch – lasagna, meat and vegetable – cake and cookies. The Mansion food staff will provide the salads. I hope the Army Of Good can help with decorations, banners and cards and favors – you know the drill.
The things you make and send are a testament to the potent mix of creativity and love.
The Army Of Good is funding the lunch, along with me. Thanks for your support.
The theme, of course is love.
Valentine’s Day is the 14th. Here is a current l iist of Mansion residents who wish to get your letters and messages (or Valentine’s Day Cards.)
Winnie, Jean A, Ellen, Mary, Gerry, Sylvie. Kame. Diane. Alice, Jean G. Madeline, Joan, Allan, John K., Helen, Bob, Alanna, Barbara, Peggie, Dottie, Tim, Deborah, Art, Guerda, Brenda, David, Wayne, Ken, Ruth.
If you wish to support the Mansion work, you can donate via my Post Office box, Jon Katz P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected]. Please mark your check “Mansion, Refugee” or one of the other. All donations are kept in a separate account.