So I did it, I think it just had to happen.
This morning the thermometer read – 20 and even the border collies, hardy stoics that they are, were hopping around on the cold ground, their paws stinging in the cold.
I couldn’t take a chance on Gus going out there unprotected, I could see he was uncomfortable and uncertain out there. And it was so cold I could barely breathe. I’m told people with heart conditions shouldn’t be outside in cold like that, but i don’t really believe that, I don’t have much problem with the cold normally, but i did today.
So we put a sweater and some rubber booties on Gus’s feet, these stay on and give him some protection from the frozen ground. It was not possible for me to be outside for more than five minutes so I felt I had to protect him.
Gus looked abashed, and I felt strange, he did look a bit ridiculous.
He took a couple of minutes to get used to the booties, but he wasn’t comfortable out there either, so he did his business and we both went back inside. In this kind of weather, my frostbitten fingers scream and I dip them in melted wax or warm water.
There is nothing wrong with protecting your dog, big or small, from the cold. Generally, dogs can handle it, but the small dog is, in fact different, and doesn’t have as much body fat or fur as some dogs have to protect them from the cold.
I just never thought I would have a dog who needed sweaters or booties, and until now, I never have.
Gus was happy to get his booties and sweater off. This is something I never thought I would do, but I wouldn’t let a dog suffer for my ego or my vanity. In this cold, this is something he needs, I think.