I’m going to miss Maulidi’s bird carvings, we will be shipping them out today and tomorrow. Maulidi (that is the correct spelling of his name, I was given the wrong one and using the wrong one) had to cancel his visit today, he was called into work at the bakery where he makes bread.
His next batch of carvings has been painted, and the wood is drying now.
Maulidi plans to come out this weekend to get more wood and drop the carvings off. Maria’s waiting list is up to 60 people now, Maulidi has touched a deep nerve with his carvings, it is wonderful that he is carving wood again.
Today, the RISSE soccer team heads to Pompanuck to meet another soccer team, this one refugees from Burma. It’s too cold to play soccer, they will sled and have lunch with other, there’s talk of a snowball fight. I’m sure they will find plenty to do.
I’ll hang out for as long as I can stand the cold.
Thanks for supporting Maulidi’s work, we are eager to help set him up as an independent artist, more and more we are liking etsy, the online art sales community, as a good place for him to sell his carvings. He’s not ready for that, and neither are we but I think this could be a good permanent home for his work.
Maulidi is new to the United States, he speaks little English, has no car and does not know how to use a computer, nor does he own one. He commutes to work by bus – it is a long ride, an lives in a very tiny apartment.
There is a lot to do between now and then. If you wish to get on the waiting list for his carvings, e-mail Maria at [email protected]. The new ones should be coming here next week.