I find it is much easier for me to give than take, I am happier giving things than getting things. I am selfish and self-centered, I get myself what I need, Maria says it is difficult to give me presents (although I love the warm wool socks she gave me).
Today, I went to the Mansion during my favorite time to visit, mid-afternoon when my writing work is done, and the Mansion quiets down. Red and I went there around 3:30 and Morgan Jones, the Mansion’s new and much loved director, was in the office.
it is quiet there, I like to come when I’m not bringing something, just to sit and talk with the residents. That is precious time.
“We have something for you,” Morgan said, and that always makes me nervous. She handed me a big card with the signature of all of the Mansion staff and almost all of the residents, it was a “thank you” card to me and to Maria.
Attached was a gift certificate to a local Italian restaurant for $118 dollars, the money was collected from residents and staff who wanted to thank me and Maria for the work we have done there this year.
That’s a lot of money from people who don’t have a lot of money.
I sat on a sofa in the Mansion hallway and read some of the messages, and then stopped, I started tearing up. I’ll read the rest of them tonight. I just never learned how to handle this gracefully. But it meant a great deal to me, Maria also.
When this happens, I get flustered, I can stand up in front of 1,000 people and talk without blinking for an hour, and talk on TV without blinking, but give me something or thank me and I blush, stammer, and mumble. I took the card and got out of the office as quickly as I could, coming back twice to make sure I had thanked everyone.
The care has a lot of meaning for me, I will hang it up on my office and will not soon or perhaps ever, forget. This is a gift I could never give myself and would never have without those thoughtful people.
A sweet, sweet, Christmas gift.
P.S. the Mansion Sleight ride was postponed again due to cold weather, we’ll try again later in the winter. Someone new is coming to the Mansion this week, I might have to reactivate my Thrift Shop network.