25 December

Christmas Morning, Christmas Day

by Jon Katz
Christmas Morning

The storm does not deter my dogs, and Gus is just as eager to get out into the snow as the others.

On Christmas day I just give Maria a single present, if I give her too much, she gets upset. I start giving her presents a couple of weeks before Christmas and a couple are still on the way.

I scour Etsy and a few favored artist sites for things to get here, they are all modest, colorful or useful None of them cost a lot of money, she wouldn’t like that.

Winter is off to an impressive start up here, the forecast calls for temperatures dropping into the -20’s by mid week and staying cold for two weeks.

This snow may be on the ground for good, and there is a lot of it. I did order some booties for Gus, something else I swore I would never do, but with temperatures that low, I think I have to take some precautions with him.

It seems a bit early for the dark winter, but we are ready. We saw the Winston Churchill movie, “Darkest Hour,” and both of us loved it. I highly recommend it, and it is especially timely. The movie reminds us that words matter, and that they can be just as powerful as guns and bombs.

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