Mawulidi,a refugee from the Congo and a member of the RISSE, refugee and immigrant support center in Albany, sent us five more of his remarkable wood carvings today. He has asked us to sell them for him, he speaks no English and has no computer.
Mawulidi, who entered the United States last year after 22 years in a U.N. refugee camp had been a wood-carver in his native country before the civil wars and genocide there. He was not permitted to bring his carving tools, handed down from his grandfather, into the U.S.
He takes a long bus ride back and forth to the Albany bakery where he bakes bread every day.
I met him at RISSE several months ago and offered to help him once I heard his story.
The Army of Good raised enough money to replace Mawulidi’s carving tools, and it seems it was money well spent. Mawulidi came to get wood from Bedlam Farm and also Pompanuck Farm nearby, owned by Scott and Lisa Carrino.
He is coming her again next Wednesday for more wood. His first works – a crane and several birds, sold immediately and there is now a waiting list for his work. He has another ten pieces to bring us next week, they need painting.
Today, he sent this beautifully detailed chicken and four blue birds. We haven’t settled on a price yet, I proposed to Maria that she charge $250 for the chicken, it is quite unique.
She’s mulling it, it’s her decision. The shipping and bookkeeping and e-mailing is taking up much more of our time than we anticipated, we we have decided to take a commission of $25 per piece, this will go to Maria. The shipping and packaging alone is quite extensive and complex, and Mawulidi’s work has drawn a great deal of interest online.
Mawulidi is relieved we are taking something, he was uncomfortable that we were not taking anything.
My friend Ali, a teacher and driver at RISSE and coach for the RISSE soccer team, drove the new pieces down to me.
Sometime over the holidays – not right away – Maria, who is handling the sales of Mawulidi’s work, will contact the people on the list and ask them if they still want to buy these pieces.
We think all of the pieces are sold, but if not, we will go down the list and if any become available, we’ll post them for sale on our blogs.
For now, they are not for sale. If you wish to get on Maria’s waiting list for Mawulidi’s work you can e-mail her at [email protected]. I’ll post the blue birds shortly. This is a wonderful Christmas story, we are very happy to be a part of it.
Many thanks for your incredible support for the winter clothing drive we launched two weeks ago for the refugees, many of whom have no clothes to get them through what is already a tough winter. Dozens of people have shopped sweaters, jackets, snow pants, wool hats, winter socks, jackets, gloves, winter boots and scarves.
The need is great and continuing, a number of refugees from Afghanistan and Asia have arrived recently. Your are helping them navigate their first harsh winter. New and used clothing is very welcome, you donate directly to RISSE or send new and used clothes in good condition to RISSE, 715 Morris Street, Albany, N.Y., 12208. Thanks.
They are a bit in shock, they were not prepared for the focus and energy of the Army Of Good, the clothes keep coming. But they are very grateful. And the need is very deep.
I am proud of Mawulidi and proud to be helping him return to his life’s work and his destiny. I believe America is a welcoming place that opens its hearts to the vulnerable and oppressed of the world.
Clearly, many others agree.
Maria and I are committed to supporting him until he is able to sell his work on his own and navigate the mechanics of selling on the Internet. That will take a while, and he is hard at work producing more wonderful work.
This is a miracle, really, he had given up on ever carving again, but this is just the beginning, I think, more good news to come for him. We will stand with him.
He has a special gift.
Mawulidi’s carvings are extraordinary! He definitely does have a special gift. I am at a stage in my own life where I am trying to downsize and not add new things, so I won’t put my name on the waiting list for one of his carvings. But thank you for sharing your photos of them. Anyone who adds such beauty to the world is exceptional.