These are the five birds Mawulidi Diodone Majaliwa sent to me today for Maria and I to sell for him. More than 50 people have written to Maria saying they wanted to purchase the next available carvings, so we will give them the first opportunity to buy these and the ten or so other pieces coming next week.
He is coming her on Wednesday to get more wood from Bedlam Farm and Pompanuck Farm in our town of Cambridge, N.Y.
At the moment, these are not for sale. Maria, who is handling the sales, plans to contact the people on the waiting list first to see if they still want to buy them. She can’t get to that until sometime after Chrsistmas.
My guess is they are all sold, but we won’t know for sure for awhile. If you wish to get on the list, you can e-mail Maria at [email protected]. You might not get a replay right away.
We are committed to helping Mawulidi figure out how to sell his work independently. He cannot yet afford a car. He does this work in a tiny apartment which he shares with his wife and two young children.
It may take awhile for him to figure out how to sell his work himself. He is learning English and has yet to work with a computer.
This is a Christmas story, and I am excited and grateful to be a part of it, along with the increasingly formidable Army Of Good. We do good rather than argue about what good is.