In the dark days of early winter, color and light are ever important. Many people move to places where there is no winter like ours, but I love the winter, it helps me define life and seasons and the passage of time.
Our farmhouse is snug and well built, it has withstood many winters, but I especially appreciate the curtains and the sun reflecting on the fruit bowl in the morning. I think the holidays are an effort to inject light into the darkness, and sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn’t.
This is a hard time for many people and many families. My pictures help me keep the light. In my faith, the Light is not defined solely as happiness and joy, rather it suggests a kind of unending happiness, , the difference between momentary pleasure and lasting fulfillment.
Most of us – me – have a deep fear that our happiness must end, that it is momentary. When we find serenity and contentment, we think it’s too good to be true, or that we don’t deserve it.
I worry about tomorrow and the days behind. I lose my connection with the Light, to my sense of security and comfort and peace of mind. Embracing the light is about believing that mu happiness will be with us tomorrow.
Sometimes I can get there, much of the time I can’t. When i do get there, it is a beautiful place to be.
In that state, I have no fear, or worry about the future. I know what it means to find peace.
Beautifully deep.