As someone who always had trouble learning, I’m having a lot of fun learning.
This week, I made my first purchase of women’s underpants for two women at the Mansion who are in need. I learned the difference in sizes, in bikini versus standard size underwear, white versus color, cotton versus polyester, and the different range of colors, prices and fabrics.
My work with Mansion residents and refugees has made me a first-rate online shopper. The underwear is a symbol of something.
I like these six packs of Fruit Of The Loom briefs for women, good price, good reviews, good material. ($9.94 for a six pack, soft briefs, I got two.) That is a really good price for six pairs.
Today I’m bringing them over to the Mansion, and I think this concludes the Christmas/Winter Clothing drive what was suddenly necessary.
We did well – thanks for your support. I now have a network of four or five high-quality thrift stores. I’ve also realized that with all of the wasteful shopping in America, especially among the rich, it is possible to buy some excellent clothes for very little money. Two of the thrift shops have offered to contribute clothes in an emergency, sometimes for free.
And I’ve learned what to buy online – personal things – and what to buy on thrift shops. Relatively late in life, I am learning how to shop in the land of too much and too little. This is a very positive experience for me. I’ve also learned how to fathom need among the elderly.
They rarely, if ever ask for help and resist charity. Help is almost almost indirect and with little discussion. Some residents are proud, some are ashamed of being poor, some just lose track of things.
If I identify need, or if the staff tips me off, as they are beginning to do, then I simply get what’s needed and drop it off. Nobody ever says a word about it afterwards.
In fact, if nobody says anything, that’s great, it means it fits, is comfortable and they like and need it. I’m earning enough to be good at it, and then, through my network of websites, thrift shops (sites like swap.com) and the connections I have made, I can get what’s needed quickly. I can’t think of a better way to observe the rundown to Christmas.
Underwear is not something we see, but it is something that matters, a question of comfort and dignity. Often, hardest thing to do is to offer help for unseen things. That takes time.
We have enough clothes now for everyone, there is no need to send any, clothes are probably something I should get, they are so personal. If I need more help, I’ll ask. Thanks.
Eye Update
I went to the surgeon this morning, and as I thought, I’m back at home blogging by lunch.
The swelling in my eye shrank a bit since my last visit, my eyesight is excellent but there is still concern about the eye and the size of the disruption. So they postponed the injection, I’m going to Albany in January for further tests, the doctor is now considering laser treatment, which possibly could resolve the problem in one treatment.
Injections take a lot longer, if they work.
If laser is not the best approach, then I will begin a series of injections. So this will go on for awhile. I have medication to take for my eyes and perhaps the swelling near the retina will continue to shrink.
Retinal treatment for eyes is evolving constantly, and I spotted the problem early and I think I caught it in time. My eyesight is very good.
Maria came with me, but I asked her to sit out in the waiting room. I didn’t want her to see an injection into my eyes, there I go being protective again.
But I was glad to have here there, and was certainly glad she could drive me home, my dilated pupils lelft me blinded by the sun and I forgot to bring sunglasses. I am seeing double type on the screen as I write this. Sorry if it’s a jumble. I’m typing blind.
I don’t want to be pollyannish, if the treatment fails, blindness is a possibility. I’m quite optimistic but I do need to take it seriously. Everyone’s eyes are important, but I really want mind to be strong for my writing, the farm, my photos.
The treatment for retinal disease most often succeeds, to varying degrees. Some people miss the old days, but I was born into the right days, I think. In the old days, I would be a distant memory by now.
This would have been a major shit storm just a few years ago, but it is still a shit storm, the doctors are concerned about the s welling.
The doctors are nice and they are open, and I trust them. I’ll write about it further after the next round of tests, an angiogram to make sure I can handle laser surgery, something required of heart patients. I am grateful and lucky.