There are all kinds of heroes in the world, and many ways to be a hero. You don’t have to charge into enemy gunfire to be a hero, you can work at the Mansion, day in and day out, make little money, never be rich or famous, clean up accidents, get people to take their medications, listen to their woes and fears, love them every day, even when they make it so difficult at times.
It takes a special kind of person to work at the Mansion, and I have come to love and admire the people who work there., they have the biggest hearts and are passionate for what they do.
Caring for people isĀ calling for them, and the more I get to know them, the more admiration I have for them. Every Christmas, they save up to buy presidents for the residents, and nothing makes them happier than to see the residents happy and comfortable.
They work long hours for little pay, every one of them loves what they do. I hate to think of a world without them, they personify the spirit of Christmas.
Charles Dickens wrote that he will honor Christmas in his heart, and try to keep it all of the year. This is what the staff does, they honor Christmas in their hearts ad keep it all of the years. I don’t have to wait for Christmas to feel that spirit, I see it all the time, whenever I set foot in the Mansion.
They do so much work that most people would flee from or avoid, and they flee from nothing, they face every bit of trouble and challenge That is heroic to me, and the residents, for all of their troubles, know it and love them for it.
Merry Christmas people, it is an honor and a pleasure to know you and work with you.