11 December

Ellen’s Scarf: The Thrift Shop Chronicles

by Jon Katz
Ellen’s Scarf

Red and I walk by Ellen almost every day, she is reserved and quiet. About a month ago, I realized she loved dogs and also loved to chat with me for a few minutes. She loves to talk about dogs, the weather, I realized she likes to have someone talk to her and pay attention.

She sits in the same chair in the hallway most days, although the seats by the windows can get cold on blowy winter days when the temperature drops. I askedĀ  her if she would like a scarf – I had a sack with a half-dozen today, a find at one of my Thrift Shops.

Ellen lit up at the colors and chose this longish one. She wrapped it right around her neck and took it to her room for safekeeping.

You can write to Ellen c/o The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.

The Great Room is filling up with your wonderful Christmas gifts, the Christmas party will be held on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. I will be there, so will Red and Maria. The horse-drawn sleigh ride will be on Friday.

Here is a current list of the Mansion residents who wish to receive messages, letters, photos, they are at the same address:

Winnie, Jean A., Ellen, Mary, Sylvie, Jane, Diane, Alice, Jean G., Maddie, Joan, Allan, Bill, RIchard, John, Helen, Bob, Alanna, Barbara, Peggie, Dottie, Tim, Art, Guerda, Brenda, David, Ken, Ruth.

Thanks so much for your generosity. You are bringing light into darkness.


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