10 December

Snow Dogs

by Jon Katz
First Snow

We had our first real snow last night, about three inches, not a big deal up here. Red doesn’t really care if it is snowing or not, he just works. Gus and Fate seem to love the snow, both of them were tearing around in it, chasing each other, having great fun.

Gus shows no signs of wanting or needing a sweater, he shivers every now and then, but then runs around and gets warm. He might need one in the deep winter (he has a couple of good ones). November has been unusually warm for up here, we are in the dark days.

Glad to have three dogs that love snow, they will probably see a lot of it.


  1. a beautiful photo with the dogs framed against the large tree with wide reaching limbs.
    i get a sense of their different personalitys. Red on alert watching something in the distant..Fate has a lot energy going on in his eyes…like a rabbit ready to spring up and race around for the pure joy of it. Gus so noble, alert to everything going on around him. sitting still yet ready to leap into action at a moments notice.

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