Every year, the Hubbard Hall Arts Center in our town holds a very popular Christmas Breakfast – 9 a.m. this Saturday – where the old hall is jammed with people seeing students perform different elements of the Christmas Story. Volunteers prepare the food and high school students serve it.
The breakfast is hugely popular and always sold out. This year, we bought tickets for 8 people from the Mansion to come and attend the breakfast. Some Mansion aides are coming, and Maria and I are also coming to help out. This morning, Maria and Bliss McIntosh, a community organizer in Cambridge and a well -known gardener and environmentalist, met at Hubbard Hall to hang the art for the breakfast, it is different every year.
The residents are excited, it’s the first time any of them have gone to this unique community holiday celebration. Photos to come on Saturday.
Maria loves to curateĀ anything to do with art, she and Bliss were a great team. Bliss also gave me some great advice about our plans to start a Geranium Community Garden at the Mansion, but that’s another story.