Art was talking to me about the Bible and his ideas about baptism and Christianity, and he asked me why I was helping him. I said it was my job, I’m a hospice and elderly care volunteer who does therapy work with dogs and in other ways.
I saw his loneliness and passion, and I my purpose was to help him fill some of the holes in his life if I could.
“You know, Art,” I said, after I heard one of his thunderous condemnations of sinners, “you are teaching me to be a good Christian.” That seemed to shock him, he just looked at me for awhile, but did not respond.
You’ve inspired me to brush up on my St. Augustine again, and some of the preachings of Christ, calling us to help the poor and weak.
“I especially like one quote where St. Augustine says the very perfection of a man is to find his own perfections,” I said.
One difference between you and me, I told him, is that I try to practice humility. I don’t know enough to tell other people how to worship, I am not wise enough to tell everyone how they must live and love. I practice freedom, where people are free to make their own choices, as long as their choices are not about harming other people.
I don’t tell other people what to do because I barely know what to do myself. You are always telling other people what to do and who to love, and all in the name of Christianity. I shake my head in wonder at the people who call themselves Christians, and neglect Mother Earth and worship the rich and the powerful, not the poor and the vulnerable.
I guess there are different kinds of Christians, and I know which kind of Christian I would be if I were one. I would follow the true preachings of Jesus, not of all the political Christians running around pretending to love Jesus.
I do not believe what you believe, or worship the part of Christianity that you worship. That doesn’t make me right, but it makes me feel like a good Christian, you are teaching me to understand my own faith.
My Mansion work is generally free of politics or controversy, but my friend Art is a controversial man by choice, he wishes to prod and challenge people into following the New Testament Bible in every way. Non-believers are doomed to Hell, simple as that.
To help him is to automatically be controversial in our angry and polarized culture. He has helped me to celebrate the ethics of the sincere volunteer and seeker of good. I am called to feel empathy and compassion for Art, rather than anger and judgment.
I do not call him names or close my heart to him. He is alone and vulnerable and poor, and deserves to be treated like a human being and in a human way.
So this is an ironic kind of post. Because Art is actually teaching me to be a good Christian, in heart if not in formal practice. If Christians practiced true Christianity, our world would be a better and more peaceful and just place.
A woman called Art a “bigoted jerk” the other day on my Facebook page for his positions on homosexuality – or “the homosexual’ as he puts it. Several people have criticized me sharply for writing about him, helping him, and tolerating his belief that homosexuality is evil. They refuse to donate money for the Mansion residents – which is their perfect right – or read my writing any longer.
I do know how they feel.
Art lives for provocation, seeks it out in the name of his God, sees it as his calling, and he has ordered, wears and sells shirts with the infamous quotes from Romans 1 declaring that men’s lust for one another is wicked, unnatural and and evil.
Art sells them were he can, and wears them around the Mansion, or on his visits to the outside. He is a man on a mission, and has found a nearby Church that supports him.
He understands that those are not my views, but calls me a friend and is good to me, he hopes to save me one day from damnation, where he believes I am headed. I think there are many who agree with him.
The irony is that Art will have trouble turning me to the good side of Christianity as he sees it. I find I believe the very opposite of him, in almost all matters of faith and Christian teachings.
“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels,” I told Art today. St. Augustine said that. He also said: “Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lat first the foundation of humility'”
I have told him right to his face in his quiet and dark room that I think sometimes he is making me a better Christian than he is, and his eyes widen and he fears that I am lost.
I have been lost, I told him, and now can see, but along the way, I have never condemned anyone to Hell for disagreeing with me, the world would be a barren and empty place if I had.
He knows that I am not a real Christian.
Jesus Christ is someone I greatly admire, and have studied for much of my life, but he is not my God. I do not have a God, and no God speaks to me, as he may be so busy speaking to so many other people.
I think I knew where Jesus would stand in our conflicted world, and who wish. I would be honored to stand alongside of him.
The Jesus I have read about stood with the poor and the vulnerable, not the angry and the rich and corrupt.
We live in a black and white world, but I see many hues and a lot of gray. Some people argue that I should not be helping Art or working to make him more comfortable or buying him things. (We got him a CD collection of the Bible, a CD player, an air conditioner and a new lift reclining chair. I’ve ordered some books of Bible stories for him.)
I am pleased to work with Art and happy he enjoys speaking with me. I think he is showing me in his own way how to be a good Christian, and that is, for me, a good thing to be.
The real Jesus, not the plastic dashboard Jesus , would agree with you, I think. You are living the life of love and mercy far more than the so called “Christians”. I admire that about you.
Amen. (In the born-again church I came up in, that means “you’re telling the truth brother!”
Thank u for honesty for showing compassion and honoring these people where they are without judgment…the world is dying for more of the same this to me is true Christ like love…
“may all beings be free from suffering” . I admire you because even though you don’t agree with Art’s beliefs, you are attempting to free him from suffering by providing things for him that he enjoys and will help him be more comfortable. The acts you are performing are indeed the acts that Jesus would have done. Thank you for this post and for being you and doing the work you do.
Thanks Kathy, I appreciate the good words,I think I am learning to learn from everybody..Art is a challenge, thnx,I will hang in there with him.
I like this St. Augustine. Will have to do some research… thanks
Dear Jon: You were “once lost and have now been found” thanks to your beautiful wife Maria. I too was once lost and have now been found thanks to my beautiful wife Marie. We will be married 50 years in January. You are the Leader of the Army of Good and you exemplify it by your conversations with Art.
God Bless,