You heard it here, perhaps, first. Maybe you felt it on the Women’s March or watching the news. I feel it strongly, in my life, my blood, my bones. Sometimes, in my life, I have been right, and sometimes wrong, but we live in a world where those of us who live ordinary lives can see and feel so much more than the high-priced pundits stuck behind their laptops, trapped in their arguments.
They keep missing it, but if you close your eyes and open your mind and ears, you can see it and feel it coming. Lots of change on the horizon. Have faith in it, and keep your spirits up.
This is the Year Of The Women, they are gathering on the great plains of our culture, talking to one another, running for office, marching and lobbying, making plans. I hear the great roar building, and the great wave coming. You probably knew it before I did, but if you did hear it hear first, savor it. I think it is true.
The angry and fearful men do not yet grasp what they have unleashed, and what has so long been building. I think it’s just about here.