On most mornings, you can find us all gathered in the back pasture – the sheep, dogs, donkeys and people. It is the high point of the farm, it was once a cow pasture, we fenced it and made it a third pasture, so we can rotational graze. From May to October, the animals thrive on our own grass, and also fertilize it.
When Chloe the pony was here, she ate so much grass I wasn’t sure we could get through a whole season, but we did. Now, there are 10 sheep, two donkeys, and we have more than enough grass. We are still letting them graze, usually we are feeding hay by now, but the weather has been warm and wet and the animals are actually a bit overweight.
I love the perspective from here, the farm looks beautiful up on the rise, and the busy road seems to fade away. There are dense woods all around the fencing, and deer often hop into the pasture to graze. They’ll trim down a bit then, and we have brushogged the pastures to help them be healthy for the Spring.
I feel like a Master Of The Universe up there on the hill,and have taken some of my favorite photos. Red stands guard at a distance, Fate runs in circles around the flock, Gus comes and goes as he pleases.
We expect to be feeding hay in a week or so – a hard frost tonight and tomorrow.
I am so lucky to able to witness this beautiful sight every morning, I never imagined I would be so lucky.