It is always a great pleasure to look out the window and see a car stopping at our Little Free Library. We have some steady browsers there, and several people have taken books and then returned books.
Today, I saw two kids get out of the car and open the library box on our front lawn. I happened to have the camera in my hand.
I don’t really know yet if they took any books, but I’ll go out later and check. The idea of the LittleFreeLibrary – there are 40,000 of them in the United States, they speak to our better angels – is that we take the good books we’ve read and put them out there in our libraries, and people read the books and then return a book – it doesn’t have to be ours.
It isn’t a repository for used or discarded books from Grandma or the attic, but for books we like and wish to share. It was nice to see these kids going carefully through our books we choose them carefully, there are some good ones out there. And we do have some children’s books out there.
I’ll go out tonight and see if the library needs to be refreshed. We love our Little Free Library and it lifts the heart to see people using it. Community is always worth building.