When Maria gets rolling, it’s like watching an old Wiley E. Coyote cartoon, she’s just a blur. First, she painted the white portions of the ceiling bright yellow, and then painted over the blue belong the bottom the soft green we picked out in the hardware store.
We both love the New Mexico feel, I called it the New Mexico kitchen and we already have a Frieda Kahlo bathroom. These are great colors, and we plan to paint the window sash a bright red for a dash more color. She will paint half of it today, the rest during the week (she’ll probably finish it tomorrow, knowing her.)
We noticed variations of these colors all over New Mexico, and we were inspired by the color and the warmth. New Mexico had a sunny, bright feel to it, in part because of the weather and the absence of harsh winters.
The state gets about 14 inches of rain a year, and the winters bring some light and occasional snow, but are nothing like the dark and stormy winters here. The bright colors of the farmhouse help us stay up and creative.
I am odd in that I love the winter, it is perfect weather for writing, and I like the sense of isolation and challenge. But bright colors surely help.
The farmhouse was dark and gloomy when we moved in, it had not been painted in years, and most of the windows had been painted shut. Thanks mostly to Maria’s vision (I did a lot of scraping), the interior of this beautiful old house has been transformed. There is more to do, but we have made a lot of progress.
I wish I could be more help but my cold has deepened and ballooned, fortunately after my class, I’m taking some stronger medicine for my cough and perhaps will rest some more. I love Maria’s creativity and passion, the farmhouse has so much color and energy in it.
More later.