I make a bit effort to be positive amidst the daily barrage of disheartening news, I find great joy in my life. Today didn’t work out for me. I was sick this morning with a nasty head and chest cold, and am sicker now.
I spent all morning in pursuit of a reclining lift chair, I wish I had gotten it sooner.
A Russian hacker tried to buy a lot of stuff in my name, and it took a couple of hours to sort it all out and regain control of my online world. I never really felt the Cold War was personally directed me. I feel flat today, and a stream of decongestant medicine has made me edgy and gloomy.
And I know how to be gloomy. Tomorrow, my writing class resumes, and I want to be in good shape to teach it. I could count my blessings, or be grateful for what I have, but I’m not in the mood, it is a gray and misty November day.
Tomorrow we are going to paint a slice of the kitchen, part of Maria’s new renovation plan for that funky room, last done over in the 1950’s. I think she has some New Mexico colors in mind.
Funks are healthy, I think, even cleansing. You have to get the bad stuff out of your system, and acknowledge it’s place in your life.
If we can, we’ll go see Connie tomorrow in the hospital. I’m heeding my wife’s advice, getting into bed. Red will probably come with me, maybe even Gus. See you later.
So sorry, you are sick. Thank you for all you do, and get well soon!
Please take care, Jon. Healing days are good, too and make us hear what our bodies need. Maybe you and Gus can take a day off together.
Fell well soon Jon.