I call them the devil dogs, these two have formed an unholy alliance of Hell-Raisers, there is wickedness and mischief in their eyes. They tear through the house, dig holes in the yard, eat revolting things and throw them up on the carpet. They never tired of chasing one another, stealing each other’s toys and hiding them, wrestling and playing hide and seek.
They rarely rest and are inexhaustible, racing from one thing to another, missing nothing, curious about everything, bristling with life and energy.
They hop into bed, shower us with kisses, stay underfoot, are eager to hop in the car and go on their adventures. They have friends and admirers everywhere, and are endlessly fussed over, plied with biscuits, hugged and kissed.
I guess the truth is I love having devil dogs, and so does Maria. They are full of life, and their boundless energy is infectious. I would have thought that border collies and Boston Terriers were completely different species, but the truth is, they are very much the same.
They are smart and tireless and challenge you to do the same. If you lapse, they will call you on it.
If you love one, I discover, you will soon enough love the other, and if you survive the first year or two of life with them, you will know great love and joy.