I was drawn to the softness of this scene, and the photo. The sheep had just been shorn, and are grazing, the sun is just cutting through the mist, the trees are just beginning to turn for Fall. It’s an in between photograph to me, soothing and timeless, and I am grateful to live in a place where I can see this in the morning.
This kind of image soothes me in this sometimes disturbing time. It is for sale for $130, offered as an 8 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ print on rag paper, signed but unframed. Contact Maria at [email protected]
You can see this and other images for sale on my new Bedlam Farm photo-for-sale gallery, now part of the blog, located at the top of the Farm Journal Page.
Lovely. You may have missed your calling.
Thanks much, but it is my calling.
This is the best one yet. Stunning!