These morning, two friends, I call them the “Better Angels,” came over to help us clean up after the Open House, put the benches and chairs away, move some things that needed to be moved. Ever since my Open Heart surgery, they have appeared when there is physical labor to be done, and they insist that I wait for them to do it.
They always seem to know when I need help, they appear mysterious and will never accept any kind of payment. They are part of this wonderful revelation for me this weekend, it seemed that America came to me – people from the South and Midwest and Northeast and Southwest and Canada, all kinds of people from all kinds of places.
We mixed as we have always mixed, joined together in a common purpose, relished our differences and found so much to unite us. This is the America I love and will fight for and work for, this is the America that came to me this weekend and filled me with hope and gratitude. Thanks, Angels, I keep telling them I am capable of moving things, but they don’t believe me.
I have never once asked them for help, they just seem to know. Seeing them over the weekend, mixing with all kinds of people who call themselves Americans, I felt like a patriot ready to do battle.