Sunday Open Houses are very different from Saturday Open Houses. They begin later, they last a big longer. There are no belly dancers and few scheduled events apart from our poetry readings (today poets Jackie Thorne and Mary Kellogg – above – read from their work.)
Things usually pick up after church lets out, and this morning began with some serious downpours. Saturdays’ Open House had from between 800 and 1,000 people, today’s about 300. Sundays are a time to talk and listen, the pace is slower, the farm feels more intimate.
I like Sundays, I actually have time to talk to people and listen to their stories. I have poet-friends in New York City who are lucky to have a half-dozen people come to their reading and signings, we had about 80 people at our readings today, twice as many yesterday.
Next year, we’re doing one Open House, the October one. This one was special and sweet, the Open Houses have become a rich tradition – so many people return, so many members of the Army of Good, so many good people from the Creative Group at Bedlam Farm.
Tomorrow, some eye issues to figure out, and next week, we are going on our vacation to New Mexico. We both have waited a long time for this and are excited. And the best kind tired, we are lifted up, risen and filled with gratitude.
The eighth annual Open House is over, a triumph for us in every way.