On the eve of the Open Houses, It’s a custom to invite some people from the Creative Group at Bedlam Farm, an online creativity-sharing community now about five years old. It has 250 people, and has weathered many storms, including political struggles, cliques, plots, raging debates, and a revolt that saw 50 people flee silently into the night, an angry protest against me and my ways..
The unhappy people are gone now, and we seem to have found our cruising speed. We are a quiet, gentle and connected group, and a very creative one. I’ve learned a lot about online communities over the years, and they are very difficult to create and sustain. I think we have finally done it.
I am proud of this community. Each Friday before the Open Houses, a bunch of people – six today – from the group, come to the farm, take photos, sit and talk and usually, go out to dinner with one another. It’s kind of a love affair, I love having them, and I hope they love coming.
The Friday visits are a cherished ritual. It makes the Open House come alive for me, and for Maria.
The dogs love the Open Houses, and Gus has joined into the spirit of the others, rushing to say hello, and when he can, jumping into their cars in the hope of taking a ride.
Maria and I are wiped out already, and the Open House hasn’t really started yet. Tomorrow, an intense day, I think, belly dancing, sheep herding, poets, sheep shearing, dazzling art in Maria’s studio, knitting under tents. I’ll keep you posted.