For the past several years, every January, just ahead of Maria’s birthday, i’ve gone to the Cambridge Valley Artisan’s Market on Main Street and bought Maria a necklace. She always fusses at me not to buy her things, but she loves these necklaces, they are quite unique and graceful.
I was happy that Maria invited the artist, Kris Gregson Moss, to show her work at the Open House. I bought one of them for Maria right away, she’s wearing it now.
These ten bracelets – they range in price from $36 to $48 – are hanging up on the Schoolhouse Studio walls.
They are for sale at the Open House, and also to people seeing this online who can’t be here at the Open House..
It’s a tricky balance for us, because we want our far-away readers to have a chance to buy this art, but don’t want to disappoint people who’ve come from all over the country to see us. So Maria is selling some of the art online right now, but some – the Pussy Hats – will go on sale Monday online if they are not sold over the weekend.
The Indian potholders and tote bags are also for sale now online.
If you are interested in the necklaces, please e-mail Maria at [email protected].