Red works the outside of the Mansion as well as the inside. He is getting to know Winnie, a farmer most of her life, new to the Mansion. She is a dog lover and Red looks for her when we come outside on a beautiful day. He stands next to her for ten or fifteen minutes, and then we move on.
The Mansion work is ongoing. Connie needs a new lift chair for her very serious back troubles, her knitting has been interrupted.
I am hoping to get some catered special meals into the Mansion over the holidays, between Thanksgiving and Christmas (holiday decorations for the Mansion would be most welcome.) The boat ride on Lake George was a stunning success, so was our “pizza party,” catered by the Round House Cafe.
We are planning a series of outings. I would like to organize a Beach Boys live concert outing in November for five or six of the residents – they love the Beach Boys. The seats would have to be on the ground floor I think, and the cheapest tickets there are $130, the better ones $370 and up. If I could raise $600 OR $700, I think we could do it, I think five residents and two aides.
I was surprised at the interest at the Mansion about the Beach Boys, I think it would be wonderful for them, they are playing at Proctor’s Theater in Schenectady, N.Y. I’d like to try to raise the money.
Art is getting his new glasses this week, I hope to get him some Bible Stories. Bill is struggling to read again, we are talking about ways for him to feel less isolated. He would love to hear from his gay brothers and sisters, the address is Bill, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
The cakes, cupcakes and cards were a big hit with him. He says he is still lonely, but he is more optimistic about his life.
The Beach Boys are coming to Troy, N.Y., it would be great to take some of the Mansion residents there. Music lifts them up. I’m also trying to set up an OctoberFest lunch at the end of October.
Our fund is getting on the low side, there is about $1,300 in it, and I hope to renew my refugee work shortly. Donations for good go to both.
If you would care to donate to the work of the Army Of Good – it is more vital than ever – you can do so by sending your donations to The Mansion/Refugee Fund, c/o P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. You can also send donations to the fund via Paypal, [email protected].
You can choose where you would rather your money go, and I will honor your requests. Please mark the donations for “The Mansion” or “The Refugees” or “For Both.”
The Mansion residents love to get your letters. Here is a list of names of people who love to read them: Brother Peter, Art, Winnie, Jean, Ellen, Mary, Gerry, Sylvie, Jane, Diane, Alice, Jean, Madeline, Joan, Allan, Bill, John K., Helen, Connie, Bob, Alanna, Barbara, Peggie, Dottie, Tim, Guerda, Brenda, John Z.
Thanks, your support and compassion has made an enormous difference in the lives of the Mansion residents.
Hello, John,
I love your posts about the Mansion. My Mom, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s, was in a nursing home for years. It was not a nice place. It’s so sad to see the way our elders are treated. Now my neighbor and his wife are in the same nursing home. It brings back a lot of sad memories for me, but I read your posts and they give me ideas of what I can do to help the patients. Thank you, John.