3 October

Healing Time: Small Acts Of Love And Kindness At The Mansion

by Jon Katz
At Healing Time

My heart was broken after the news from Las Vegas, I can’t describe it any other way, and so this afternoon, I followed my heart and went to the Mansion, I needed some healing myselt, I needed the small acts of love and kindness that I see there every time I go, away from the news and the politicians and the boiling waters of the outside world.

I found what I was looking for, Gail Bearup, one of the activity directors and one of the most loving people I have met, was on the porch making decorations for a Fall Harvest Festival there, and I asked if I could join them, and they said sure. Usually, Red and I are moving from one place to another, one room to another.

They were making paper leaves and cleaning the tomatoes from the garden, Gail and Joan were hugging one another and laughing, in their own way, their own language. I love photographing Joan, there is something spiritual and deep about her, I know her daughter was murdered by a boyfriend many years ago, she is full of sweetness and acceptance and confusion.

I took a few photos, they were healing for me, perhaps for you. I will post them here. I’ll put up a Healing TIme: Small Acts Of Kindness album on Facebook, but the same photos will be here.

I see that this is how I come back, how I heal.


  1. Thank you Jon. Your writing is greatly appreciated always, but most especially during these confusing days. Bless you.

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