Red put on a fine show for the Mansion residents, he went out and got the sheep and brought the right up to the gate where everyone was standing. Fate joined in, in her inimitable way. Gus was inside the gate cuddling with people, we are fortunate to have dogs that love people so much.
They peppered me with questions about the dogs and wanted to know everything about them. Standing out in the field, watching the donkeys and sheep clustered at the gate (donkeys know visitors mean carrots), I felt so grateful for my life.
I love the farm, Maria, the life of the farm, and I love having a farm that can mean so much to the people who visit it. I remind myself every day to be grateful for my life, there may come a day when I can only think of it in memory. In the meantime, every day here is a treasure
You are, indeed, a lucky man. I have always dreamed of a farm such as yours. Thanks to you and Maria for sharing your daily life. Bedlam Farm is a peaceable kingdom, and I love partaking in it – if only through your words!