Jane’s electric lift chair arrived at the Mansion this week, and she is grateful for it and thrilled about it. Jane, who is working hard on her painting skills, is wheelchair bound, she can’t stand or walk by herself, the chair helps her sit comfortably, stand up by herself and without help, and also has a massage feature that has already eased some of the pain and discomfort in her leg and back.
“It is just wonderful for me,” she said, “I am so grateful and thank you for it.” Thanks to the Army of Good, take a look at what you did. Jane has a good chance now to keep her back and muscles fluid, to get in and out of her wheelchair without assistance.
Medicaid rules require that residents in assisted care facilities must be mobile and able to get themselves from one place to another. So this chair is important to her, she showed me how to work it and she had as wide a smile on her face as I have yet seen.
Jane also has severe hearing issues, the chair you donated has already made an enormous difference in her life. If you wish, you can write Jane c/o The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
You can also support the Mansion fund by donating care of my post office box, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge,N.Y., 12816, or via paypal, [email protected] And thanks.
You have made an enormous difference there. On a smaller note, I’ve started a weekly or bi-weekly practice of giving the very hard-working evening aides money for some pizza or Chinese takeout dinners.
They work long hours for little pay and their work is intense and demanding. I want to think of them as well as the residents. I usually give them $20, which covers pizza or take out. They never ask for anything, and have very powerful connections to the residents I want to think of them, too.