Red and I were invited to a surprise baby shower for two Mansion aides who are soon to give birth, Jessica and Courtney. The residents made them diaper cakes (below) and played some games and had punch and cake.

The shower was quiet and intimate. It takes a special kind of person to work there, I don’t think I could do it. It takes patience, compassion and a great deal of energy, emotional and physical.
When I’m there, I like to help out, I’m not much for sitting around. Red makes the rounds, and I help serve the punch and cake and distribute the presents.
The Mansion often feels like a family to me, and to one another. I find myself drawn to these kinds of connections, the residents don’t have a lot of lasting power, especially on a hot day. But the feeling is very real.
I gave Courtney and Jessica each a check from the Army of Good.
Tomorrow, a group of residents are coming to Bedlam Farm to work with Maria in her studio. I’ll be there to help out, and they’ll get to see the other Red, the working Red.