The Open House is just two weeks ago, and there won’t be another until next October. We are going in style this year, upping the game a bit. There will be wonderful, creative affordable art, shepherding, belly dancing, poetry readings, talks and donkey cuddling. Gus and Fate And Red will be working with the sheep together, each in theirĀ own idiosyncratic way.
Admission is free, no dogs please, the donkeys don’t like it.
Voluntary $5 donations to defray costs are welcome. We’ll have a porta-potty but can’t offer any other personal services, there are plenty down the road in town, along with good food. Children under supervision are welcome, please discourage your sons to not chase after the chickens, it can easily kill them.
We aim to have a great time, this is our chance to share our lives with the people who make them possible. This year, the RISSE refugee singers are coming to sing, some Mansion residents are coming in a van, artists Suzie Fatzinger and Susan Smith will be demonstrating and talking about weaving, our sheep will be shorn.
I’ll talk a bit and Mary Kellogg and Jackie Thorne will be reading their poetry. Maria’s belly dancing group will dance from the rear porch. Maria will be selling her own quite wonderful art along with the work of more than a half-dozen gifted local artists. Come on if you can, I’ll be taking photos for you if you can’t.
The OpenĀ House will be held on October 7-8 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Details on Maria’s blog.
Attended the spring Open House and looking forward to this one in a few weeks. Will try to attend on Saturday this time to catch more of the festivities. Oh, and by the way, Jon, I’m pretty certain that girls sometimes give chickens a run for their money, too! See you and the rest of the crew soon.
Never once had a girl chase a chicken here, boys do it every single time. I’m sure there are girls who do it also, but never met one.