Thanks once again. Today I received a check for $1,038 from the sale of our book “Tales From The Mansion,” now in its 3rd printing. This is one of the most gratifying projects I’ve ever worked on, the stories were written by the Mansion residents as the result of a workshop there that I conducted along with Activities Director Julie Smith.
Connie Brooks at Battenkill Books agreed to sell the books online and in her wonderful bookstore, and we have sold a bunch.
You can still order the book from Battenkill and I will sign it, and all proceeds will continue to go to fund the outings, boat rides, picnics, trips that are so crucial to the Mansion residents, and mean so much to them.
All of the proceeds from the sale of the book – every penny – will go to the outings fund I have set up as part of my Mansion/Children’s Refugee Fund.
You can order the book here, Connie will ship it anywhere in the world, it costs $10 plus shipping, the stories are very much worth it. They are poignant, funny and revealing stories from the edge of life. You can bet I’m going to do this again.
“Tales From The Mansion” will also be sold at our Open House on Columbus Day weekend, details on Maria’s blog, events page.
And thanks, you can’t imagine how much joy this money will mean to the Mansion residents, it is so important that they get out and see the world, and $1,000 will open up all sorts of possibilities for them.
Blessings to the Army Of Good, you are more than good.
You can also donate to the Mansion/Refugee fund by sending a check to Jon Katz, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or via Paypal, [email protected] Please mark the money for Mansion/Refugees (or one or the other, as you prefer.)
I am thrilled for the mansions residents!