Sometimes, Red and I watch the sheep together in the morning, he always remains still and focused, I can stand right over him. Lately, a pesky and inquisitive puppy has been joining us, he also likes to watch the sheep, he seems to be trying hard to figure out what the other dogs are doing. Red is my dog, once and forever.
A long-time reader of my blog wrote Maria to say I used to be invisible before she came, she is glad to see me once in awhile. Before, she said, it was just the dogs and the farm. Maria takes pictures of me, which made me squirm at first, but I got used to it. It’s what we do, and I feel less invisible myself.
I have a lot more readers now than I ever had before, but some people have left the blog, saying they miss the days when the blog was only about dogs. They don’t like all this other stuff. I’m sorry they feel that way, but it also tells me I have grown and changed.
I do not miss those days, they were hard and often empty for me, and my head was a mess.
It’s best to be open, my life feels like it was let out of a stuffy and dark closet.
I have been reading you for the last 10 years, at least. And the photos and content keep getting better and better. Some people just don’t like others to change.
Thank you
I too miss the days of the dogs and the farm. I am not a fan of the longer paragraphs under the pictures and sometimes –more often than not–I don’t read all of it. However, this seems to be a product of a happier Jon and that is a very good thing. I love the pictures, and the stories from the Mansion. Keep on doing what you are doing and I will sort out what appeals to me and what doesn’t.Thank you for all of it. Liz from NJ
Liz, if you are interested in dog stuff only, this may not be the right place for you, you will only be disappointed. There will be a lot of longer paragraphs and all kinds of pictures. I don’t wish to spend the rest of my life just writing about cute dogs, although I will always write about them a lot. You are wise to take what you like and ignore the rest. But there are lots of dogs only sites and many are quite good. Nobody needs to be unhappy, you or me. Things change, when I stop changing, it will only be because I am dead. Blessings to you.
Jon, I have read your blog from the very beginning. I think “A Year of the Dog” got me started, and I went back to read it all. I think that you, like Gus, have found the light. And, like Gus, I am so glad you look for it every morning. See you in fall, 2018!
(I hope that isn’t too presumptive. It’s just that I retire in January 2018, so now I can finally make the journey to the Mecca that is Bedlam Farm.)
…well, your posts challenge one to think and not to just be a backseat observer… that makes some people uncomfortable. Personally it is what I enjoy – and it has helped me shape my thoughts on many issues…
I, too, have followed you for a long time. I saw an article on CBS Sunday Morning and read one of your books. There was a web site address in the back of the book, I checked out your blog, and liked it. I, too, like the farm posts followed by the craft / photo posts best. That does not mean I will stop reading. Keep up the good work.