We have been hoping for weeks that Connie would start knitting again with her yarn, her right arm has been weakened by an IV injection. Today, one of the Mansion staffers came up with a great idea to get things moving again: a sweater for Gus.
Maria and I broached the idea to Connie and she jumped at it, assuming her arm continues to grow stronger. She is intrigued, but she needs some patters for a dog sweater for a Boston Terrier or small dog, one for yarn, one for crochet.
She wants to look at both see which is the best for her. It would be wonderful for her if she could get back to her knitting, her pain is getting under control and she is walking farther and farther each day.
If anyone out there can get their hands on a pattern for a small dog sweater, yarn and crochet, it would be great to send it to Connie, c/o The Mansion, 11 S.Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
And thanks, this would be a great bridge project for her, a path back to the work she loves and that keeps her healthy and engaged. I’m thinking Navy Blue. I swore we wouldn’t put a sweater on him, but the vet straightened me out. Yes you will, she said, upstate winters are too cold for small dogs with little fur or body mass.
A sweater made by Connie would be a wonderful thing, and just think of the photos. (Connie does not need any more yarn. One of these days, I’ll open her door and be knocked down by yarn pouring from inside.)