We were out in the back pasture, when half of the flock showed up, the other half were still back in the barn, Red hadn’t noticed. I gave him the command “look back,” which means turn around and go collect the strays and he swept the main pasture and flushed the stragglers out of the barn and they came racing down the hill and into the back pasture looking for the rest of the flock.
Red was a speck in this photo far back and Fate went into her crouch, waiting for Red.
Red always gets his sheep.
I’m discovering the point at which I can get sharp focus on the main subjects, and let the background be soft. I like this effect very much for landscapes.
For those of you away for the weekend, the Blue Heron limited edition series sold out at 50 on Saturday. I am selling “The Farm On Route 67 for $60 plus $10 shipping – $70 total. People can use Paypal to buy it (see Maria’s blog) or send a check to Full Moon Fiber Art, Bedlam Farm, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. The photo will be an 8 1/2 print on archival paper, unframed.
You can also e-mail Maria, she can be reached at [email protected].
This is an open edition, no cap, but signed.
We’ve sold about a dozen of that image, this is an open edition. I will only be selling photos occasionally. Maria is taking over photo sales, she will get her usual commission. She spent many hours processing orders this weekend, I appreciate her.