I am beginning to be old now, still learning,
still amazed at the idea that my life here on this farm
is inexhaustible,
it’s possibilities are boundless,
behind me and ahead of me and when I die,
it will still not nearly be over or finished.
I know now I have lived on a farm before, in another life,
another place,
I know because I knew I was home when I bought my farm,
and came to live on it.
Walking in the woods the other day,
I realized that every good and wonderful thing in my life
– Maria, my blogs, my blog, my photos, my friends, Red, Fate, Gus,
Lulu, Fanny, Minnie and Flo, the deep woods, the rolling hills,
the bursting gardens – have all come from the farm.
The farm is my true mother,
it is a whirlpool that sucked me in,
like it was some ancient well,
and spun me around and around,
until I shed the fear and confusion and anger,
it rubbed my face in my destiny, past, present and future.
Every man is followed by a shadow,
which is the end of his life, his death,
the deepest and most unfathomable sinkhole there is.
Life looks different when you have so many years behind you
than ahead of you,
every day is precious,
but not in the old and urgent way,
it is the most human kind of joy to be in the world.
The farm is like an old man to me,
all of his human obligations me, his life beginning to wind down,
peace descended and destiny revealed,
his life the most intricate and delicate tapestry.
Because he did not ever expect to be finished,
he is learning to learn, because he can finally learn,
he is beginning to listen, because he is beginning to listen,
he has found love and is loved.
He often wonders why this came to late, why it was so hard,
but out in the woods, he understands that this is the point.
He accepts his destiny and honors it,
he was never as much afraid of death as he was of life.
It is not from his own face in the mirror that he learned
to be better than he was, or is now.
Let it be. Let it go. It is enough.
I can identify with this Jon. As I read your words the book THE FARM SHE WAS was brought to my mind. If you haven’t read it, I think you would love it. Author Is Ann Mohin.
Beautiful…I felt many of the same things when I had my farm. I feel like I have lived many lives also on a farm. I see ghosts of my former self hanging laundry on the line, the breeze softly lifting the curtains in the windows, coffee brewing, breakfast sizzling and the hens chasing each other across the gardens. I’m comforted by the fact that I will.have a farm again. If not this life, another.