“Tales Of The Mansion,” a book of short stories by the residents of the Mansion Assisted Care Facility in Cambridge, N.Y., has just gone into its third printing. The book costs $10 plus shipping and is 38 pages long, it has ten of my photographs included. The stories are poignant and powerful and authentic.
You can order the book only through Battenkill Books, which accepts Paypal and major credit cards and ships anywhere in the world. Frankly, I’m surprised by the interest in this book, as much as I love it. We initially printed 250 copies, those are gone. Then, 75 more, and those are gone as well. You can order the book here or call the bookstore at 518 677 2515.
This was a powerful experience for me, the Mansion residents live at the edge of life, sometimes feeling left behind and missing the world they knew and the things they love. They write with feeling and honesty, “we have nothing to lose,” said one story-teller.
It is a gift to tell their stories. And all proceeds go to The Mansion to support their outings program for the residents.
Attn: Army Of Good
On the cover is Bob, one of my favorite residents. He won the best story award for his ironic tale of moving to the Mansion. He came there because his wife Shirley is ill and he wanted to be with her. He was a builder in his former life and I have ordered him a subscription to builder’s magazine and some National Geographic Books he requested.
This is a challenging time for Bob, an exceptionally decent and loving man.
I was wondering if anyone out there had any magazines or books relating to building or home construction, he is very interested in those subjects and those materials would be helpful for him now. Robert is also interested in cars, and books and/or magazines about cars would also be useful.
I’m looking around myself but if there are any home builders out there, it would be lovely if you could send any related books or magazines to Bob, C/O The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816.
And thanks.