The prophets say that the righteous one stands gazing out at humanity. When he sees people conducting themselves with love and empathy and compassion, the Righteous One expands, filling himself with light from above.
If human beings defile themselves with hatred and war and cruelty to the poor and the helpless, then the righteous one withdraws, leaving the world angry, bleeding, dry and empty, lacking in good.
One who understands this secret understands the immense power a single human being has to build and destroy, to nourish and devastate. The righteous can unite all of the earth, and bring into harmony the upper and lower worlds.
If there is one righteous person in the world, the pillar of life is strengthened. If the world contains just one righteous person, that person sustains the world.
I love the mystics ancient writings about righteousness, it is neither angry or judgmental. One passage I read today warns of floods and ruin if the poor and the needy are not loved and given hope. Another warns of great storms and suffering if people do not learn to love one another, and stop wars.
In my readings, I learn that one does not have to be an angel or a saint to be righteous. One just has to want to do good.
Each time I see one of these photos, I just smile thinking about how much you really love your new lens. How great is that? Keep enjoying it.
This picture is so magical!!
I love, what seems to me, the abstract look you have with your new lens. The colors are amazing !!