Gus continued his Bedlam Farm peace offensive this morning in the pasture.
He was sitting with Maria next to the sheep when our belligerent wether Liam came out – he and put his head down preparing to butt Gus and chase him away, as he successfully does with Fate, and tried once or twice with Red and regretted it.
Gus had a very Gus-like responsive, he didn’t flinch or back off, he leaned forward and licked Liam right on the nose. Liam was not prepared for this, and backed off and resumed his grazing.
I like this spiritual, Pope Francis side of Gus. He is a lover, not a fighter. But he is also charming the entire farm population, one by one. Only Flo the barn cat is holding out and resisting. Liam is a major conquest.
Love, not war, a lick, not a bite. Gus is telling the sheep he is not a border collie and they like it.
it seems we have a very unusual dog on our hands.
Red stared incredulously, Fate seemed disgusted.
Jon, Gus is teaching us all that no matter what species or breed you are, love is the answer! I know that might be a bit pollyanna-ish on my part, but right now I think the world should take this lesson to heart!
I love your stories about Gus. He had brought a different energy and vibe to your writings and to your farm!
Something I really agree with you and Maria…..he is definitely a Gus. Perfect name for him.