24 August

Best Selling Bob. “Tales Of The Mansion” Is Out!

by Jon Katz

‘Tales Of The Mansion”

Bob, our cover boy, won the award for best story in “Tales Of The Mansion,” I had the pleasure of bringing him one of the first copies of the book, he was excited to see it. Julie Smith, the activity director and I went through the Mansion handing out a copy to each of the residents.

A lot of them couldn’t quite believe they were in a book, it was one of the pleasant tasks in memory for me. Thank you so much for supporting this book, already in its second printing. I brought 100 copies to the Mansion, for the residents, their families, and the staff.

Connie Brooks of Battenkill Books has already pre-sold 130 copies, I brought the over to her today and I will go and sign them this afternoon. I’ve ordered a second printing so we can handle additional orders, which are coming in pretty steadily. You can order the book by calling Battenkill Books at 518 677 7136 or order  the books online.

The store takes major credit cards and Paypal and they will ship anywhere in the world.

The Mansion stories are poignant, surprising, sometimes sad, sometimes ironic and funny. People are their stories, and these stories need to live out in the world. These writers have often felt forgotten, their book will remind them and the world that they are very much alive.

I will sign all of the books purchased there. The book costs $10 plus shipping and all of the proceeds will go to the Mansion’s outing program. Julie Smith and I conducted the writing workshops and assembled the stories, Abrah Griggs put the stories together in book format.

This project was very personal for me, a real joy, and I am very happy to sign any books purchased. We are already in a second printing.

(Tomorrow, there will be a Hawaiian Luau lunch at the Mansion, thanks for the beautiful decorations. On September 11, we are organizing a “Pizza Party” lunch at the Mansion to celebrate Assisted Care Week. On Thursday the 18, we’re taking some of the residents on a lunch/boat ride around Lake George. The residents would love to go to Albany in December to see the Christmas Light display there. I’ve begun calling charter bus companies, (the bus must be handicapped accessible,) and the first estimate was $2,400. Gulp.  I’m sure I can do better, I will keep trying. We are also planning a poetry week in October, I’ve asked Jackie Thorne, a published poet and student in my writing class to take one class, I’ll take the other. We’ll have a reading at the Mansion at the end of the month. The Mansion is full-up for the first time in a month or so, I’ll get an updated list by the end of the week.)

If you wish to donate to the Mansion projects, you can send a contribution to me at my post office box, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816, or through Paypal, ID [email protected].

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