Mawulidi Diodone Majaliwa is a refugee, a wood carver from Central Africa who has been in the United States one year. All I know about him is what Brother Francis Sengabo, the director of RISSE, the refugee and immigrant center in Albany, told me last week.
Francis kept telling me about this beautiful carving, he had and I finally got to see it.
Francis showed me this carving that Mawulidi cave him, its sits in the RISSE office. Brother Francis told me that Mawulidi lost all of his tools when he came to the United States. I’d like to get his story, and if appropriate, try and get him some new tools. I don’t know any more than that, but I am anxious to meet him, and, if I can, to help him.
It seems to me he ought to be carving things out of wood. I’m pricing wood carving kits, they are not expensive.